About The Great Women

The inspiration of The Great Women’s Podcast is to inspire women to not be afraid to reach for their dreams, to overcome any obstacle and share the success of everything life has to offer! If you are a Great Woman or know of a Great Woman and would like to be considered for the podcast please send an email to: elissagennello@gmail.com. Thank you for visiting!!


Justine D.'s Top 10

Wanna know what an NYC Nightlife Icon is listening to?
Check out Justine D.'s Top 10 List here:

1. Desire- Miroir Miroir

2. Pixeltan-Yamerrarena

3. Chapterhouse
- Falling Down

4. Julee Cruise

5. Cold Cave
- Cursed By The Cross

6. The Jesus and Mary Chain
- Sometimes Always

7. Kate Bush- This Woman's Work

8. Free Energy
- Dream City

9. The XX
- Crystalised

10. Modeselektor- Cash


Fabulous Party of Great Women in Bev. Hills!

Come party with us and shop from Local Vendors!


The Fabulous: Justine D. NYC's Premiere DJ/Promoter

When I think of NYC night life, the first person that always pops into mind is Justine D. Maybe it's because she's been DJing and Promoting there successfully for 11 years. Maybe it's because I remember having some of the best times of my life at her parties. Maybe its because she's beautiful and I remember her being interviewed in magazines for her skills, along with modeling in them. Or D, all of the above. Justine D. is the girl every girl wants to be, beautiful, self-confident, successful and just down-right nice. Today she joins us and shares with us her journey through the magical world of NYC night life. She tells us how she took her passion, music, and turned it into a full-time career. This podcast is really a fantastic one! So glad to have her join the show! Please check back as Justine is going to make a music list for us and let us all know what she's been listening to lately!





Next Up!!! Internationally Known DJ/Promoter: Justine D.!!!

Please check in with us next week to hear The Heavyweight Champion of the DJ/Promoter world, Justine D. give us advice on becoming successful in this arena.

If you are curious about the beautiful Justine D. and want to read more before the interview please check out her website here:


How to Stay Well During Flu Season

My best friend in NYC is sick. Her name is Jessica, she works for VH1 as an associate producer, a very high-demanding job. Everyone also knows NYC is cold right now. So, its not really a surprise. When her cold didn't go away for a week, I knew I had to let her in on my 'get well quick' secrets. It worked so well on her I decided to share it with the world.

You see, I am one of those annoying people that never sick. Sorry! hehe...But that means I know what I'm talking about so if you want to stay well during this cold/flu season, follow these simple directions.

If you aren't sick and you would like to stay well I reccommend the following:

1. Learn how to meditate and do it everyday. This doesn't have to be an hour long session or anything crazy like that. You can start with 5 minutes a day. This will reduce your stress levels and do lots of other amazing things to your body and spirit, like keep you well! If you don't know how to meditate please check out my video on youtube:

2. Drink lots of water everyday. We are 75% water, that means we are 75% liquid, which means keep it flowing to keep it going! Flush out all those toxins everyday and continue to flush them out. I drink two 8 oz. glasses of water as soon as I wake up and then try to have a glass of water with me through out the entire day.

3. Pace yourself. Don't party/drink/go out whatever you call it every night. Take care of your body, give it plenty of rest and it will take care of you back.

4. Eat healthy. I know, I know these things are pretty obvious right? But you'd be surprised how many people just don't do these things and wonder why they are getting sick all the time. Eat a variety of healthy foods, veggies, fruits, grains, protein. Avoid fast food or anything controlled by the government (you know, like corn, fast food beef, etc).

5. Exercise. Yup, exercise. Like running, riding a bike, lifting weights, etc. haha. You get the picture!

If you follow these super duper simple steps you will not get sick, maybe not ever!

Now, if you are sick and you want it to go away really quick or you're in the very beginning and feel it coming on (which is as far as I ever get with 'sick'), follow these simple steps back to wellness:


2. Take advil as directed on the bottle

3. Go buy Cold-eaze at your local pharmacy. Follow as directed.

4. Also get Emergen-C packs. Follow as direct on the packaging.

5. Lots and lots of water, never let the water coming in you and *ahem* out of you, stop. Drink, drink, drink!

6. Eat good ole chicken noodle soup, hopefully some that mom or dad made. If not, store bought is fine.

7. Lots and lots of rest.

If you do that I PROMISE you will kick it way, way faster than you have ever kicked a cold before.

Stay Healthy!!!!


Message in a Water Bottle - Laura Thereza owner of State of Mind Water

go to your iTunes store, search THE GREAT WOMEN and subscribe and it will be automatically downloaded everytime there is a new podcast!!

Good Afternoon to all of you out there on this very auspicious numerological day. November 11th, 2009 in numerology is 11:11:11. I'll let you guys figure that out! Anyway, make a wish! Maybe it will come true!

Now onto the very wonderful and exciting podcast!!! Laura Thereza owner of State of Mind water is here!

Laura Thereza is a brilliant, highly motivated entrepreneur with dreams that she has made a reality! Laura took a simple idea and made it into a very profitable company creating a successful bottled water brand. Today we find out how she did it. Please listen in!

11:11 Meditation on 11/11/09 = 11.11.11

Sat Nam and Good Morning Great Women and Men out there!! Today is a special day! The day of the GATEWAY!! It is 11.11.11 (2+9=11). Our Great Woman, Alexandra Aitken has prepared a meditation for us on this special day where dreams come! You know when you see 11:11 on the clock how you make a wish? Well, guess what, the entire day is like that today! So take a few minutes out of your day and join Ally in doing a meditation for love, healing and wishes!

CLICK HERE: http://www.yogamint.com/_webapp_2609547/11-11-11__Day_of_Mastery



Hi All Wonderful Women out there!!

I'd like to take a minute to tell you about our sponsor Yogamint. Yogamint is a Wonderfully Amazing website full of great positive articles to uplift your spirit by teaching you all kinds of things in small easily readable articles. They range in categories from healthy eats, meditation, and body care to name a few. I really love that the articles are short and straight to the point! I think in our busy, busy schedules nowadays this is the kind of information we need!

You can spend 10 minutes on the site, learn a new recipe, why you should turn off the 6pm news and discover a great tip to propel your success!!!

I like to check Yogamint once a day just to give my day a little illumination! Please check it out and let me know what you think! When you visit our sponsors you are helping the podcast so Thank you from the bottom of my heart!


Blessings and Love!!!


Ally Aitken - Creative Yogi with Tips to De-stress!

The Great Women thanks you for checking in with us once again! Today's show is super duper awesome!!! We have with us Alexandra Aitken, the wonderful Creative Yogi!

She is here today to give us tips on how to de-stress our lives while achieving our goals. She also has a few extra tips on beauty and love as a bonus! Please find all the information we discuss on the show today below.

Thank you so much for tuning in! Bless and love!

if you prefer the old way of listening (through box.net)
please Click Here


Book - http://www.spiritvoyage.com/yoga/Praana-Praanee-Praanayam/Harijot-Kaur-Khalsa/BKS-009125.aspx

So Purkh Mantra (husband finding) - http://www.spiritvoyage.com/yoga/So-Purkh/Nirinjan-Kaur-Khalsa/CDS-001597.aspx

Yoga Classes on Line - http://www.yogaglo.com/

Yoga tips to relax and revive - http://www.yogamint.com/


New Podcast with Tips - Coming Next Week

The Great Women is here to encourage your dreams and inspire you to make them a reality! However, sometimes on the way to those dreams we may encounter some road blocks!

Recently, on a personal note, I have been under major stress and pressure with my own business, life, etc - this had led me down a path looking for relief! I have had a few insights and also an idea for a podcast to help you! Next week my dear friend, the wonderful creative yogi, Ally will join us!


Ally is a successful entrepreneur and a KRI certified Kundalini Yoga instructor. She teaches all over Los Angeles and holds retreats and workshops worldwide. On the show Ally will share with us tips on how to decrease stress levels and make life on a whole a more enjoyable experience as we reach for our goals and dreams.

I will also share with you a few tips I learned on descreasing stress levels!

Please check back next week.

All is Love.


Jenny Phillips - Owner of Sirens and Sailors Boutique

It's a beautiful day in Los Angeles! Super hot, but a nice way to finish summer. Another nice way that I finished my summer with was to visit an old friend and wonderful entrepreneur: Jenny Phillips, the boutique owner, clothing designer, wonder-mom extraordinaire at the shop in Echo Park. CLICK THE TITLE ABOVE to listen to the podcast if you're not already subscribed via Itunes. If you are subscribed via Itunes you're doing it right because that way this episode will automatically download to your itunes and you are already set! Listen in as Jenny and I talk about what it takes to get a 'grassroots' operation off the ground, what it was like in Echo Park in the early 2000's, and what to do when people mistake your kindness as a weakness! Blessings to all you amazing humans out there!! I hope you enjoy the podcast!! And REMEMBER, we are here to inspire and uplift each other so do the best you can to uplift and inspire the ones around you!


Happy Birthday Yogi Bhajan

Yogi Bhajan was a GREAT MAN and I thank him for all he did with his time on this earth. In other news, new podcast VERY VERY soon please keep checking as it will be up any day now! Blessings!


Coming soon! Brilliant Clothing Shop Owner: Jenny Phillips!!

Hello Electric Beauties out there!!

Welcome again to The Great Women! I'm sorry for the delay on the next podcast as I have had a busy summer involved with lots of design projects and, not going to lie, days at the beach!! I hope you are all enjoying your summer as much as I am.

Please check back early next week as I will have a new podcast up for you. Jenny Phillips, owner of Sirens and Sailors the super hip boutique in Silverlake, CA is going to join us!! http://www.sirensandsailors.com/

And very soon we will have TGW Page up on mindopia.com! I have been very busy filming the interviews for that page and I'm super excited to present that to you!!

Thank you for your continued support! It is greatly appreciated!

Remember, be brave! Go forth! Love & inspire one another!!


Subscribe to TGW with iTunes!

Hello Beautiful Ladies and Gentlemen out there!!

I am soooo pleased to now say you can find TGW on iTunes. Subrscribe now via this link:

or search for The Great Women in the next couple days and you will be subscribed so every time I post a new episode it will automatically download to your iTunes!

A BIG Thank you goes out to John for helping me with this. Thank you!

Best and warmest,



How to be a Woman

Dear Lovelies,

I hope all is well out there with you. I am taking a small vacation right now back at my parents house in NJ. I'm here for some celebrations and so far, it is splendid.

Cruising around on the internet tonight in my time off I ended up at one of my favorite blogs: www.stevepavlina.com

If you have not checked it out I suggest you do now - there is ALOT of valuable information there. Tonight I found a great article:
How to be a man which I read. At the end of the article, I was thinking, hmm...maybe I should read how to be a woman - since that is what I am. haha. Steve already got to it and had women readers submit articles. Here is the link to the submissions. I like the second one down.
How to be a woman

Read and embrace your femininity!


Episode #5! Hillary Thomas - Interior Design & Bedding Company Owner

Hello, Hello The Great Women!!! Exciting news! The Great Women is now going to be a video-cast as well as an audio cast! Very very soon you will be able to watch The Great Women Interviews via our wonderful partner: www.mindopia.com I would like to thank Mindopia for giving The Great Women the chance to partner. I'm thrilled to be a part of the team and I think that everyone will benefit from this!

With that being said, here is this Episode. Episode #5, today we have Hillary Thomas - Interior designer to the stars as well as children's bedding company owner! I'm so excited to have Hillary as our first video-cast as she is such a positive, enthusiastic empowered woman. I think you will agree that she just radiates warmth & strength after watching her video. Stay tuned for the link to her video. In the meantime, click the title above to hear the podcast! Check out Hillary's website at: www.hillarythomasdesigns.com

Thanks again for checking in! Please email me at: elissagennello@gmail.com


Top 5 Things Needed To Start Your Own Business

Hello The Great Women followers! Great to have you back!! There are lots of great and exciting things going on over here. I can't wait to share them with you, but alas, it is a secret to be revealed very soon!

A new interview will be up for you very shortly! For our next interview we have: Hillary Thomas, Interior Designer to the stars as well as an up and coming children's bedding designer. Check out her website at: hillarythomasdesigns.com

Please check back next week to hear the latest interview.

In the meantime I have compiled a list of what it takes to start your own business from our first 4 interviews!


1. HAVE A VISION! As Alexis Jones put it: She simply looked in a magazine one day, saw an airbrushed picture of herself and with that a lightbulb went off! Her vision was clear at that point and she knew what she had to do. Sophie Marquart (owner of Smack Undies, Episode 1) had a similar experience. Being a Fashion Model, she was exposed to cool clothes all day long. She, however, could not find cute underwear that mirrored cool screen-printed Tshirts. She saw a hole in the market and gained a clear vision of what her company was to become.

2. TAKE ACTION! Both Alexis and Sophie knew after they had their vision that they must take action to make their dreams a reality. Alexis went right out and got a business license and business cards made. Sophie designed her first undies line and made samples immediately. Aviva Yael, author of: The Best, Worst and Most Bleeping Ridiculous Tattoos had her vision and took action immediately, taking pictures of every tattoo she saw - friend and stranger alike!

3. KEEP FOCUS! Once you have your idea and are starting to take action, you have to be your own coach. Owning your own business and keeping it going takes a lot of work, but the rewards make it thoroughly worth it. Once you have started your business, you must be the one to keep you on point, wake you up on time and make you work when you don't want to! If you don't do it, who will??

4. DON'T LET FEAR GET IN THE WAY! As Adriana Rodriguez (co-owner of the salon Sugar, Episode #3) demonstrated, you do not need a Harvard degree to be successful. Adriana was a high school drop-out and she did not even let that stop her. You can do anything you want once you put your mind to it. Always remember that.

5. BE A 'YES I CAN' PERSON! Sophie Marquart is constantly challenged as a designer to come up with new ideas as well as to try to design things she has never done before. Sophie believes, if someone else can do it, so can she! Good words to live by.

I hope this has helped you to become inspired and realize that your dreams are just waiting for you to make them become your reality! It just takes an idea, dedication and perserverance. Corny, but true! You can do it!

Lots of L O V E!!!!

The Great Women Founder,

Elissa Gennello


TGW #4: Alexis Jones creator of I Am That Girl

Hello my Lovelies out there! Thank you for stopping by again to hear another interview on The Great Women. I am soooo excited for this interview. Serendipity is a wonderful thing and I'm really feeling the effects of it. Today on the show, we have Alexis Jones. She is the owner and creator of: I Am That Girl - a company founded to empower women. Alexis is a girl after my own heart and I have quickly fallen in love with her and I think after you hear today's show you will too.
You can find I Am That girl at: www.iamthatgirl.com
and Alexis' site is: www.alexisjones.com
I hope you enjoy the show!!
Click the TITLE to hear the show!!


TGW #3: Adriana Rodriguez, co-owner of Sugar Hair Salon

Welcome Back to The Great Women! Today we have Adriana Rodriguez who is the co-owner of the Hair Salon in Silverlake called Sugar!!!! Find Sugar on the web at: http://sugarhairsalon.com Click the TITLE above to hear Adriana talk about making her way from being a high school drop out to becoming a successful co-owner of a flourishing salon. Adriana is also curating an Art Show at the Salon FEBRUARY 27th!! If you are in town be sure to check it out. I hope you enjoy the podcast. And of course you can always reach me at: elissagennello@gmail.com Thanks!!!!


TGW: Episode 2 Click Here!! Aviva Yael Author of No Regrets

Hello All you Great Women (and Men!) out there! Here is Episode #2! With my guest: Aviva Yael, author of the book: NO REGRETS The Best, Worst and Most #$%*ing Ridiculous Tattoos Ever. The book is a compilation of pictures with captions written by Aviva. Today we will find out how she got her inspiration and what it took to publish her book. For all you chicks that want to publish a book out there, this podcast is for you! I interviewed Aviva on the phone with my new phone-microphone. It's my first time doing it this way so please excuse the static! I tried my best, having LIFT FM kindly mix it down for me! Thank you LIFT FM!! And thank you Hillel Aron for writing the About this go-around. Hillel is a great man, but we still love him here. OK, hope you find the podcast enjoyable. Email me! elissagennello@gmail.com

Check out Aviva's blog at: everythingisannoying.com
