Hello The Great Women followers! Great to have you back!! There are lots of great and exciting things going on over here. I can't wait to share them with you, but alas, it is a secret to be revealed very soon!
A new interview will be up for you very shortly! For our next interview we have: Hillary Thomas, Interior Designer to the stars as well as an up and coming children's bedding designer. Check out her website at: hillarythomasdesigns.com
Please check back next week to hear the latest interview.
In the meantime I have compiled a list of what it takes to start your own business from our first 4 interviews!
1. HAVE A VISION! As Alexis Jones put it: She simply looked in a magazine one day, saw an airbrushed picture of herself and with that a lightbulb went off! Her vision was clear at that point and she knew what she had to do. Sophie Marquart (owner of Smack Undies, Episode 1) had a similar experience. Being a Fashion Model, she was exposed to cool clothes all day long. She, however, could not find cute underwear that mirrored cool screen-printed Tshirts. She saw a hole in the market and gained a clear vision of what her company was to become.
2. TAKE ACTION! Both Alexis and Sophie knew after they had their vision that they must take action to make their dreams a reality. Alexis went right out and got a business license and business cards made. Sophie designed her first undies line and made samples immediately. Aviva Yael, author of: The Best, Worst and Most Bleeping Ridiculous Tattoos had her vision and took action immediately, taking pictures of every tattoo she saw - friend and stranger alike!
3. KEEP FOCUS! Once you have your idea and are starting to take action, you have to be your own coach. Owning your own business and keeping it going takes a lot of work, but the rewards make it thoroughly worth it. Once you have started your business, you must be the one to keep you on point, wake you up on time and make you work when you don't want to! If you don't do it, who will??
4. DON'T LET FEAR GET IN THE WAY! As Adriana Rodriguez (co-owner of the salon Sugar, Episode #3) demonstrated, you do not need a Harvard degree to be successful. Adriana was a high school drop-out and she did not even let that stop her. You can do anything you want once you put your mind to it. Always remember that.
5. BE A 'YES I CAN' PERSON! Sophie Marquart is constantly challenged as a designer to come up with new ideas as well as to try to design things she has never done before. Sophie believes, if someone else can do it, so can she! Good words to live by.
I hope this has helped you to become inspired and realize that your dreams are just waiting for you to make them become your reality! It just takes an idea, dedication and perserverance. Corny, but true! You can do it!
Lots of L O V E!!!!
The Great Women Founder,
Elissa Gennello
celebrity gossip news
10 years ago
great post Elissa! thanks for sharing your inspiration and vision..
Elissa is the bomb!! keeping up with 'the great women' makes me thrilled to be female!! yeah yeah..
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